A belated Happy New Year everyone!
It's hard to believe that it's only mid-February and things are growing outside - I think spring is fast approaching! My bulbs are almost blooming, which feels a little early to me.
I just wanted to post a reminder that our WIPC 36th Annual Horse Trials will be on July 6-8 this year. It's hard on the heels of the July 4th celebrations, which will make it hard to get some of our last minute preparations done, so we will need to be planning well ahead. We will be starting on grooming the course as soon as it looks like the weather has dried enough and the ground is solid, as we don't want to ruin the course with our vehicles!
I'm sure our winter storms have caused some branches and/or trees to fall on the wooded parts of the site. So, if anyone is able and willing to use a chainsaw to cut up downed trees, etc., please let me know. If you do the work and want the wood - you are welcome to it for your effort. The site is secured so this needs to be arranged ahead for access. This sort of work can be done before other things that are needed on the course itself. Work will start in earnest in March and April, weather permitting.
Please feel free to call any of us (see website for contact info) if you would like to help out on site preparations. We can ALWAYS use additional hands, backs, machinery and ideas.
Thank you!